Posterior direct composite: first class technique video

The right knowledge of the internal structure of natural dentition provides invaluable information for increasing the aesthetic potential in dental restorations. To reach of an optimal aesthetic results, this knowledge must be integrated in a systematic therapeutic procedure.

Video updated on Youtube by Tom Youngs


In daily practice, composites are the materials most commonly used for restorative dentistry. They are used for preventive seals, microinvasive restorations, build-ups and complex direct and indirect restorations in posterior sections. Indeed, it is in the anterior sections that composites have traditionally been used to the greatest effect, enabling clinicians to carry out complex restorations using direct techniques with notable esthetic and clinical results.

Posterior direct composite: first class technique video - Ultima modifica: 2015-09-06T16:45:39+00:00 da Redazione

3 Commenti

  1. […] vera svolta nel campo dell‘odontoiatria conservativa seguì l’introduzione delle resine composite nella pratica quotidiana: il passaggio dalla […]